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Parody mistaken as reality in Putin WWIII posts - AAP FactCheck - - 2024/04/19 06:36

Parody mistaken as reality in Putin WWIII posts  AAP FactCheck...

A friendly reminder to not feed colorado wildlife in the form of - K99 - - 2024/04/18 22:56

A friendly reminder to not feed colorado wildlife in the form of  K99...

Review: 'The Fall Guy' fumbles somewhere between parody and sincerity - - The Daily Tar Heel - - 2024/04/18 22:30

Review: 'The Fall Guy' fumbles somewhere between parody and sincerity -  The Daily Tar Heel...

Red Caesarism: Parodies of Trump's Verities | Columnists | - Saipan Tribune - - 2024/04/18 20:00

Red Caesarism: Parodies of Trump's Verities | Columnists |  Saipan Tribune...

In truth, this is the week that parody died - The Times - - 2024/04/18 20:00

In truth, this is the week that parody died  The Times...


Have a listen to the Weird: The Al Yankovic Story soundtrack, featuring new renditions of several of his parody songs!
